Tuesday, 29 October 2013

A Warp Back To The First Model...Vulcan Warp Shuttle

Round 2 Vulcan Warp Shuttle - a re-release of an old AMT/ERTL kit from the 80's with, with accurate decals and a few retooled parts to properly represent the model.  This was a model I bought 3 years ago and finished between working on different shows at the time.
Very simple model, low part count and 2 massive decal sheets!!  It also uses to rare earth magnets to connect the crew module to the warp sled, a cool new feature which the old one lacked, and a new dome stand with a simple rod (which is now standard for most Round 2 releases).  The ship itself is from 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' in a sequence where Mr. Spock is delivered to the USS Enterprise while en route to stop V'Ger from attacking Earth.  The model looked relatively plain in the film, greys and off-whites but in reality it was - MAUVE!  And so it this model...

So I decided early on I didn't want a 'pink model' and went with a Federation theme as there were decals to support it.  

Round 2 put markings on the decal sheets so you could make it as shuttle from the USS Enterprise but since being the 'trekkie' I am, knowing this shuttle would be a tight fit in the Enterprise, I chose a different ship with a larger shuttlebay, and named it 'Shepard' after the astronaut Alan Shepard and had it coming from the USS Reliant (the ship Khan commandeers in Star Trek II).  This was also my first attempt at making my own decals.  

Between using Round 2's models and my own it took a great deal of time to put all of the decals on the ship. It was recommended to me to use both MicroSet and MicroSol with a brush to let the decals 'melt' into the model to give it a 'painted on' look. 

See for yourself in the following beauty shots:

Stay tuned for a few more of these models as I still wait on a few more LED's to come in before I start my 1/350 TOS USS Enterprise.


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